sexta-feira, 26 de março de 2010


by Marc Wiese, Germany,
winner of “FAMAFEST' 2010”

The International Jury, formed by José Eduardo Agualusa and Fernando Dacosta, writers; Alan Marie, French cinema director; Lisa França, Brazilian university teacher and cinema director; Anabela Teixeira, actress; Joaquim Benite, stage director; Anabela Oliveira, university teacher; Maria Eduarda Colares, writer; João Pereira Bastos, musicologist; Ana Paula Lemos, director of “Europa Viva”; and Nassalete Miranda, director of the cultural magazine “As Artes entre as Letras”, decided to award the following prizes:
Grand Prize of Famafest 2010:
“The Picture of the Napalm Girl”, by Marc Wiese (Germany)
Grand Prize of Lusophony “Manoel de Oliveira”:
“Esta é a Nossa Rua”, by Margarida Metello (Portugal)
Prize for Best Adaptation
“Josef Winkler, the Cinemascreenwalker”, by Michael Pfeifenberger (Austria)
Prize for Best Documentary:
“To Translate”, by Pier Paolo Giarolo (Italy)
Prize for Performing Arts Recording (ex aequo):
“Miserabilli: I and Margaret Thatcher”, by Fabio Calvi (Italy)
and “Don Giovanni”, by Paul Ouazan (France).
(The jury decided to award this prize due to the significant presence of documentaries about theatrical and musical performances and to the lack of films by/for young people, referred in the Rules as Prize for Best Film for Young Audiences).
Special Prize of the Jury:
“Song of the Murder of the Jewish People”, by Felice Cappa (Italy)
The International Jury decided also to award the following
Honourable Mentions:
“Aldina Duarte, A Princesa Prometida”, by Manuel Mozos (Portugal);
“Guard n.º 47”, by Filip Renc (Chezc Republic);
“Miss Stinnes Motors Round the World”, by Eric Von Muller (Germany)
“Utopia e Barbárie” by Sílvio Tendler (Brazil).

The Jury of the Youth decided to award the
Grand Prize of the Jury of the Youth to:
“Utopia e Barbárie”, by Sílvio Tendler (Brazil), with the following statement: “Sílvio Tendler’s look is full of strength and poetry. It is impossible not to get emotionally involved in this journey made of utopia, dream and hope, showing nevertheless its counterbalance, the barbarism”.
Other prizes awarded by this Jury:
Special Prizes:
“Aldina Duarte, A Princesa Prometida”, by Manuel Mozos (Portugal)
“To Translate”, by Pier Paolo Giarolo (Italy).
Honourable Mention:
“The Picture of the Napalm Girl”, by Marc Wiese (Germany)

The festival direction underlined the very high quality of the works submitted to the competition, as well as the great interest of the public. “During the nine days of the Famafest the number of spectators surpassed the 20 thousand”. More than 150 films were screened in several auditoriums of the municipality, including Casa das Artes, Biblioteca Municipal Camilo Castelo Branco, and Casa de Camilo, in S. Miguel de Seide, with free access for everyone. In the international competition were screened more than 30 works from France, Italy, Brazil, Cambodia, Chezc Republic, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, among others.

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